Resources for Webinar “Scaffolding in One Asp.Net”

On Jan 30, we conducted a webinar titled “Scaffolding in One Asp.Net”. This blog post is the recap of the webinar.

Scaffolding in ASP.NET:

ASP.NET Scaffolding is a code generation framework for ASP.NET Web applications. Visual Studio 2013 includes pre-installed code generators for MVC and Web API projects. You add scaffolding to your project when you want to quickly add code that interacts with data models. Using scaffolding can reduce the amount of time to develop standard data operations in your project.

So in this webinar I went about showcasing how scaffolding can be use in MVC scenario, Web API scenario and Web Forms scenario.

Slidedeck from webinar:

Here is the slide deck used in the webinar:

Webinar Video Recording:

Here is the video recording of the webinar:

.NET Ninja T-Shirt Giveaway:

As with every webinar we have done, we have selected 2 random persons from the audience and they will get our .NET Ninja T Shirts. Congratulations to the winners.

  • Rajesh Haramkar
  • Ramesh Pyru

Our office will contact you to get your postal address so that we can ship them to you.

Till next time – Happy Coding!

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