Webinar Resources: Develop Hybrid Mobile Application with Azure Mobile Services and Telerik Platform

azure-mobile-servicesAzure Mobile Services provide a scalable backend for creating various applications. Telerik Platform provides a singular experience for creating mobile applications that can work with various backend systems.

In this webinar, we talk about how to consume Azure Mobile Services in a Telerik Platform application. We start from scratch and build up the first screen for showing data from the backend.


Slides used during the presentation are below:

The webinar recording can be found here:

The code shown during the webinar can be download from the GitHub Code Repository

The lucky winners who have won the trendy Telerik Ninja T-Shirt are:

  1. Nitin Verma
  2. Kahdeer KI
  3. Lokesh Jain
  4. Jayaprakash N

We will be contacting you soon to dispatch your prize.

Selected questions from the webinar are produced below:

Q: Can we deploy an application built for IOS store to Windows & Google at the same time ?

A: An app built for iOS will work only on iOS . You will need to build different packages for diff platform i.e. ipa for iOS, apk for Android and xap for Windows Phone. Telerik Platform allows you to build these different packages from the same code and machine.

Audience Question:

Q: Is it possibe to view this application on browser instead of mobile?

A: yes … Kendo UI Mobile controls are HTML5 based so they will work as is in a browser. but you will need to remove the cordova initialization code as cordova wont work in a desktop browser

Q: For iOS binary,certificate and distribution profile is required for creating ipa file so in telerik how to create ipa fie?

A: AppBuilder service has provision to ingest your Apple certificate and distribution profile. It stores it in the cloud and uses the same to create the binary packaging. No extra effort is needed to sign the binary with the certificate and make it app store ready.

Q: The Azure key of the mobile apps is contained in a js file – is it not a security threat?

A: This is a Mobile App … So it gets packaged along with the app and sandboxed by the OS. Nobody other than the app code will have access to it. However, it is still susceptible to man in middle attack if proper steps during transmission are not taken.

Q: Does it makes any difference if we use standard WCF service instead of REST API?

A: A lot of difference. If you are designing for Mobile app – you need to keep in mind that the bandwidth on mobile devices is very small. so you cannot send too much data. Simple WCF is SOAP so just to send a name, you will be sending a lot of payload. It is better to create a REST based end point which sends data as JSON format. WebAPI and Azure Mobile Services are some of the options for creating REST based API.

Q: Are there any example on multiple page application using Kendo UI Mobile?

A: We have a lot of sample apps for Kendo UI Mobile – http://docs.telerik.com/platform/appbuilder/sample-apps/sample-apps – Check out the sample Airlines app.

Q: Can we host out MVC WebAPI project into Mobile services and make use of feature by Mobile services?

A: Yes, Azure Mobile Services allows for hosting of custom WebAPI projects. Mode information can be found here: http://blog.azure.com/2014/07/11/azure-mobile-services-why-should-asp-net-developers-care/

Q: I have already designed web app using CSS. How to convert code into the telerik mobile app code ?

A: A Web Page and a Mobile App are two different experiences. To create a mobile app, you will need functionality written separately using Kendo UI Mobile. To recreate the same look and feel as that of your web app, you can override specific Kendo UI Mobile classes with the CSS of the web app.

Q: Can i use backend MS SQL in a mobile app?

A: A Mobile App runs on a device. A MS SQL resides on a server. So, it is not directly possible to connect the two. Azure Mobile Services provides Hybrid Connection facility that can be used for connecting in-premise database to the cloud.

Kendo UI + Angular JS Integration

Kendo UI Integration with AngularJS – Webinar Resources

On Sep 11 2014, we conducted a webinar titled “Best of Both Worlds – Kendo UI Integration with Angular JS”. This webinar is part of the series of webinar we do here in Telerik India for India time zone.

About Kendo UI:

Kendo UI is a flag ship product from Telerik. It is a HTMl5 based JavaScript client side UI framework. Kendo UI provide Web Widgest, Data Vizualization Widgets and Mobile Widgets. Kendo UI also has certain framework elements namely Kendo UI DataSource, MVVM, Templating, Gloabalization, Validation, Drag & Drop support, Effects and SPA. You can know more about Kendo UI here.

About Angular JS:

Angular JS is a popular JavaScript framework and is developed by folks at google. Angular pretty much is the community choice as of now when it comes to using a client side framework. It is very popular among the front end developers today.

Kendo UI + Angular JS Integration:

As part of Kendo UI framework we now fully support Angular JS. What this means is when using Angular in your project you can make use of Kendo Directives to create Kendo UI widgets. We have out of the box support for Kendo Angular Directives and the directives are available for Web, DataViz & Mobile widgets. You can continue using Angular as the back bone of your app while you can make use of Kendo UI as the front end control choice. Thats why we called this webinar “best of both the worlds”.

Kendo UI + Angular JS Integration





Slide Deck:

Here is the slide deck that was used in the webinar:



Here is the video recording of the webinar:


Q & A:

Q: Is Kendo UI With Angular is free?
A: Kendo UI comes in two flavours – Kendo UI Core which is a OSS & free and Kendo UI Professional (paid). Kendo UI Angular support is available in both – the Core & Professional editions.

Q: Is Angular JS different than Backbone JS and Knockout JS?
A: Yes. Knockout deals with only data binding. Angular provides data binding plus many more things as a framework.

Q: What do you mean by Hybrid Applications in JavaScript?
A: Mobile Apps developed using HTML/CSS/JS are known as Hybrid Applications.

Q: why did you use visual studio? is it so specific?
A: No. Speaker is familiar with Visual Studio and hence using the same. VS is not a prerequisite for this. You can use notepad, sublime text or any other editor.

Q: Is Telerik Test Studio Supports Angular Components, I am sure it supports Kendo UI?
A: Test Studio has native support for Kendo UI components. Any web page developed using Angular can also be tested using Test Studio. However, native support for Angular doesn’t exist right now.

Q: Whats your view on Open Source Ionic Framework?
A: Our team has written about it. http://developer.telerik.com/featured/supercharge-app-development-ionic-appbuilder/

Q: do we need Kendo libraries or only Kendo scripts in order to work with Kendo?
A: Kendo UI is all about 2 style sheets and 1 JavaScript file 🙂

Q: Will it helps in SharePoint ?
A: Sure. These are both client side frameworks (no server side requirements). So, it is supported by SharePoint.

Q: Is Kendo UI fully client side ?
A: Yes it is fully client side.

Q: Kendo UI is based on ?
A: It takes a dependency on jQuery. It is written from scratch for performance and functionality.

Q: DataSource is like database?
A: No. Kendo UI DataSource is a client side framework object that can connect to any web service and be leveraged by binding it to any Kendo widget & charts.

Q: If I install Kendo UI Library using Nuget in Visual Studio then do I need need to pay for that?
A: Kendo UI Core is the OSS from Telerik. It is available on NuGet as KendoUICore. Kendo UI Core is free for personal as well as commercial projects.

Q: In Core all these are available?
A: Core doesn’t have some widgets like Grid and the whole charting library. More details here: http://www.telerik.com/kendo-ui/comparison

Q: Whether Kendo UI supports all Browser?
A: List of supported browsers: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/browsers-support

Q: Can i get the document related to Kendo UI and their usage?
A: Kendo UI Documentation can be found at – http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui.

Q: If we need only 1 or 2 element (i.e. Calender or slider) so we have to add whole Kendo UI CSS and JS file?
A: No. You can simply use the specific js file for those specific widgets. There is a custom script builder also available at: http://www.telerik.com/download/custom-download

Q: Does Kendo-Core provide support for responsive layout like Bootstrap?
A: Kendo UI as a framework does not reinvent the wheel for providing a responsive layout. Instead all Kendo UI widgets are responsive in nature out of the box.

Q: I was under impression that Kendo UI is for Mobile apps. if true why we are using regular browser and not a emulator ?
A: Kendo UI comes in 3 flavors namely – Kendo UI Web for Web Apps/Sites, Kendo UI DataVix for visualization and Kendo UI Mobile for hybrid mobile applications. In the demo we are taking Kendo UI Web and hence the browser check.

Q: Is Angular-Kendo version released?
A: Yes. This is officially supported. http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/AngularJS/introduction

Q: Hey Kendo UI Core can be used on production as it is free or any licensing issue?
A: Completely free with Apache v2 license. Good for commercial and open source projects.

Q: From where we can download free version of Kendo UI + Angular.JS ?
A: You can get the pre built package of Kendo UI Core here. Angular JS support is out of the box.

Q: what is difference between kendo.web.min.js and kendo.all.min.js?
A: Kendo Web is a part of Kendo framework. Kendo.all contains the full framework components – DataViz, Mobile and Web

Q: what are the performance issues in building hybrid apps using Kendo UI?
A: We have worked very hard to get the performance up for Kendo. You will experience a very smooth performance with Kendo in Hybrid Apps.

Q: can u please show the example of Kendo UI DropDown list?
A: Demos can be found here: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/dropdownlist/index

Q: Does same code written for Kendo UI widget (desktop web)run on mobiles also?
A: Yes, it will. Kendo UI widgets are responsive by default.

Q: Are you using Knockout JS for MVVM in Kendo?
A: No. Kendo has a native MVVM framework.

Q: Is data-role option avaliable in core ui? or only in proferssional?
A: data-role is used to convert a simple HTML element into specific widgets (e.g. Grid, ListView). It is available for all widgets that are available in Kendo UI Core. Kendo UI Professional contains additional widgets and charts.

Q: what about the row template?
A: Kendo Grid supports row templates written as Kendo Template (very simple javascript syntax).

Q: I was not able to use two panel bar controls in same page as its being tracked by ID..Ex- <Ul id=”panelbar” ?
A: You need to make sure that each widget has an unique ID

Q: Whats the role of row template here?
A: If you want to display data in a specific way from the incoming data, you can use the row template e.g. an image from simply the image URL

Q: Is Server Paging possible?
A: you can enable Kendo UI DataSource to request this from server. However, it will also need to be supported by the underlying service.

Q: Is it possible to create Angular or Kendo based website in Visual Studio 2010 ?
A: Yes absolutely. You can use any other IDE/ Editor as well.

Q: Can we use it with asp.net MVC 5?
A: Yes you can. Kendo UI comes with bindings for ASP.NET MVC 5. http://www.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc

Q: Any Kendo map file for WebStorm for code completion?
A: Sorry not available at this time. Please submit this at the feedback portal: http://kendoui-feedback.telerik.com/forums/127393-telerik-kendo-ui-feedback

Q: how can we provide locale support for multiple culture to kendo date picker with angular?
A: Locale Support is availabl for all Kendo widgets. More details: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/globalization/overview

Q: my company wants to create an application on asp.net MVC. some Views should be able to work on phone also. Do u recommend me to use Kendo UI?
A: I think yes. Kendo UI specializes in making apps cross platform.

Q: Do we have widgets for pop-up dialogs?
A: Yes window widget. Demo here: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/window/index

Q: Do we have themeb uilder for kendo UI?
A: Yes, we do. http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/themebuilder/

Q: Can I show google map from Kendo UI?
A: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/map/index

Q: How does kendo support these many browsers? Does it not make the framework heavy? Can we download a tailored copy that would only work for modern browsers so that the framework weight is light?
A: I am not sure if we allow only support for modern browsers. You can however use our custom script builder for only the components you require. http://www.telerik.com/download/custom-download

Q: Is kendo-UI supports rendering images/graphics/text on canvas?
A: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/drawing/index

Q: can we do animation with Kendo UI?
A: Supported via FX. Sample: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/fx/expand

On our website you can see a high level description of the integration between Kendo UI and AngularJS.

T-Shirt Giveaway:

Since we had an overwhelming response to this webinar, we decided to pick 3 winners for the T-Short giveaway instead of regular 2 winners. So here are the 3 names:

  1. Prolay Sarkar
  2. Vishal Sanchihar
  3. Kapil Chhabra

Congratulations to the winners. We will contact you over email and will ship the t-shirts to your address. Rest of the folks dont worry, we still have a lot of webinars lined up. So keep joining us for every webinar.

Till next time – Happy Coding !!!



Resources for webinar “Connecting your In-Premise Database to Mobile Apps”

On Sep 4 2014 we conducted a webinar titled “Connecting your In-Premise Database to Mobile Apps”. This was part of regular webinars we conduct almost every Thursday of every month for India time zone. This post is a recap of the webinar.

One of the pressing issues enterprises often face when it comes to mobility is how to connect to an in-premise database from a mobile application. Scenario is that the enterprise does not want to move the data outside of the organization i.e. move to a cloud infrastructure. Rather they want to keep the data inside the organization but still be able to access it from a mobile application. In this webinar we look at 2 solutions/techniques to solve this problem. They are:

  1. Use ASP.NET WebAPI to create a service and host it inside the organization, expose it as a public IP behind fire wall and consume from a mobile app
  2. Use Telerik BackEnd and in particular DataLink & DataConnector to expose data as a RESTful service without writing any code

Below you will find the slide deck used for the webinar, video recording of the webinar, Q&A and T-Shirt winners.

Slide Deck:


Video Recording:


Q & A:

Q: HOw Does webAPI serve when more request  (traffic)?
A: The web server can be used to manage the web traffic. You can also create web farms if you expect more traffic.

Q: How rLinq is different from edmx?
A: It is almost the same. EF (edmx) can be used here as well. rlinq also has L2 caching support that helps speed up the application.

Q: What is the benefit of JustCode
A: More details here: http://www.telerik.com/products/justcode.aspx

Q: What is POSTMAN?
A: Chrome extension to work with RESTful URIs. An alternative is Fiddler. More details here: http://www.telerik.com/fiddler

Q: How to secure Web API?
A: Options include OAuth, Cookie based Authentication, ADFS and a few more

Q: can you provide me the name of cross platform development tools..?
A: Lovingly called AppBuilder (a part of Telerik Mobile Platform). More details: http://www.telerik.com/platform#overview

Q: Can we use this telerik platform service with our existing telerik id?
A: Yes. you can get started for free with Telerik Platform.

Q: How to do top ten records?
A: Kendo DataSource has support for querying as well. More details here: http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/framework/datasource

Q: Which one is faster, techinque1 or technique2?
A: You have more control in Technique 1 but deploy bug free system faster with Technique 2

Q: Does the data gets cached anywhere or it hits the on-premise database everytime?
A: Data Link capability is a pass through service. So, we don’t cache any data. It hits the DB each time.


T-Shirt Giveaway:

As usual with any of our webinars, this time too we select 2 random attendees from the attendee list and they will receive our .NET Ninja T-shirt. So the winners for this webinar are:

  1. Pooja Cheema
  2. Gopesh Sharma

Congratulations to the winners. We will contact you over your registered email and will ship the t-shirts. Others dont worry – there are many more webinars to come. So try your luck next time.

Till next time – Happy Coding.

Resources for “Introduction to IoC and Dependency Injection for ASP.NET” Webinar

On Aug 28 2014, we conducted a webinar titled “Introduction to IoC and Dependent Injection in ASP.NET”. This is part of the regular webinars that we i.e. Telerik India do every month. You can see the September/October webinar schedule here.

Slide Deck:

Following is the slide deck that we used as part of the webinar. You can view it online below or you can download to view it at your leisure time:



We record all our webinars so that people who missed attending live can view the recording on demand. Following is the video recording for this webinar:

Demo Source Code:

We had shown two demos as part of this webinar.  It was divided as Part1 & Part 2. Part 1 talked about DI & IoC as a generic concept. Where as Part 2 we took a look at Di & IoC in ASP.NET MVC with Ninject as the container. Find the source code links below:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Q & A:

Q: what is ado.net?
A: You can read about ADO.NET here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/h43ks021(v=vs.110).aspx

Q: is there a ORM by Telerik to access data?
A: Yes we have. It is called Teleik DataAccess – http://www.telerik.com/data-access

Q: what is loosely coupling?
A: two classes are not directly coupled in dependency

Q: There are so many DI you mentioned , what are the most famous and used wide along?
A: NInject , Unity, StructureMap are some of the widely used ones

Q: Does ORM by telerik supports all database technologies?
A: Yes

Q: Is Telerik DataAcess open source ?
A: It is free to use commercially as well.

Q: Which is most useful, parameter injection or constructor injection?
A: Depends on your scenario. My personal pref is Constructor injection.

Q: what is high cohesion?
A: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cohesion_(computer_science)

Q: Which is best AutoFac or Ninject? As i have implmented the same with AutoFac
A: Doesnt matter. All the IoC containers are pretty much alike. Its just the ease of use for somebody. Ninject is a simple one too.

Q: from the Performance point of view , what you recommend?
A: All IoC containers out there in the market are more or less pretty good wuth respect to the perfrormance. so its just the ease of use that you need to pinpoint and use one

Q: Should we always think of getting on the interface way even when we are not sure if there could be multiple types of dependent class ?
A: Its always better to program to contract than a class.

Q: Can we achieve dependeny injection without an IoC?
A: Yes … its known as Poor Mans DI – where you hand craft everything that you need

Q: what is DI?
A: Dependency Injection. Making dependencies loosely coupled. A more formal definition can be found: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_injection

Q: what is Ninject?
A: A DI Container. More details here: http://www.ninject.org/

Q: Hi, DI is always a combination of Poor Mans and IOC Container?
A: Not always. you can do DI with either approaches.

Q: How lifetime is managed in Ninject?
A: By specifying whether the object is created as Singelton or new object. fluent syntax .InSingletonScope()

Q: which container you would prefer Unity or Ninject or any other?
A: It is a matter of personal choice. All of them provide almost similar functionality.

Q: so who is taking the load of instanciating the object here- ninject or test app or both?
A: Ninject is responsible for creating the objects. It works with MVC pipeline to make it seamless.

Q: If we have difrent implementation of an interface, Can we decide on runtime which implementation to inject. Like getting from a web config file.
A: Yes possible. Ninject is meant for that :). You can use configuration settings in web.config for the same.


T-Shirt Giveaway:

If you are a regular to our webinars, then you know that we select 2 random attendees to receive our .NET Ninja T-Shirt. But we had a huge turnout for this particular webinar and we decided to pick 3 instead of 2 attendees from the webinar. Here are the lucky winners of our t-shirt:

  • Inderpal Singh Uppal
  • Vinay Bansal
  • AjithKumar Rai

Congratulations to the winners. For the rest of you don’t worry. We still have a lots of webinars lined up. So be there and try your luck.

Till next time – Happy Coding.