Resources for webinar IoT for Developers

WIN_20150722_130716Internet of Things (IoT) is being touted as the next big thing after the WWW. Technologies are being developed rapidly to address this nascent space.
This webinar gets your started with IoT. We cover the basics of what IoT means, see Arduino board in action and demonstrate sharing data on internet.

As a developer you may want to know the journey of productionizing your prototype. A brief discussion on architectural aspects of IoT is also done.

We referred to the 2015 Developer survey results in the presentation. The detailed report is available here:

If you are just getting started with IoT or want to get started with IoT, this video is for you.



Selected Q&A from the webinar:

Q: What is the cost of the Arduino Uno R3 board and the temperature sensor (DHT 11) being shown?

A: The presenters bought this device off Prices were as follows:

1. Arduino Uno R3: INR 850

2. DHT11 Sensor: INR 139

Q: Is IoT about controlling and monitoring the things over the internet (as a medium of communication)?

A: Yes, both monitoring and controlling. The sensors are used for monitoring. We have relays etc that can act as control mechanisms.

Q: Do we need to download sketch editor sperately ? Where is it available from?

A: The sketch editor used is the Arduino IDE. It is a separate free download and available from

Q: Arduino is a Prototype board. How to make a real product?

A: This involves a lot more. The outcome of the prototyping phase is the schematic. This schematic alongwith materials to be used for fabrication consitute the BOM for the product. This is sent over to manufacturing.

Q: Does Arduino support wifi adapter ? as to connect to internet to transfer data wirelessly?

A: Yes. There is a wireless shield (or wifi adapter) available for Arduino. The new rage is ESP 8266 which is a cheaper alternative.

Q: Can we do development using C# on Visual Studio for the Arduino?

A: You can’t upload programs/ sketches written in C# on the Arduino. You can however interface with Arduino using .NET libraries (System.IO.Ports). Here is a sample step by step.

Q: Does Telerik has any product/API/device or anything related to IoT?

A: At this time, Telerik only offers the Telerik Platform for mobile application development. Telerik Backend Services provide an easy way to store data coming from the IoT devices in the cloud.

Q: Any resources that you found useful when starting exploring around this.  How did you get the right mix and match of libraries and tools?

A: You can start here:

Many tutorials have been made available by

There are plenty on resources from the community that you can find on the web that would help you explore the IoT world.

Q: Which is the best IOT device available in market for .net developers?

A: Windows 10 IoT is now avaiable for Raspberry Pi 2 and Intel Galileo boards. A list of compatible hardware is available here:

Blog post on running .NET code on Galileo can be found here:

Projects using Windows IoT can be found here:

Resources for webinar – Enhance the customer journey and increase conversions with Sitefinity Digital Experience Cloud


Digital presence is not just about managing content anymore. It is understanding what your customers are looking for and delivering it through the best user experience possible.

Companies want to understand the different audiences that visit their website and create personalized messaging that will resonate with each member of these. The Sitefinity Digital Experience Cloud is the unified marketing command center that enables marketers to drive growth by understanding, and optimizing every customer’s journey.

In this presentation, we will make this come live in a real-case scenario. You will learn how to arrive at clean and understandable metrics on how your messaging affects your customers and how you can improve their experience while they’re on your website.




Resources for webinar “Creating Custom HTML Helpers in ASP.NET MVC”

On Jul 9 2015 we finished yet another webinar. The webinar was titled “Creating Custom HTML Helpers in ASP.NET MVC”. This blog post is a recap of the webinar. If you had to miss the webinar due to unavoidable circumstances – this blog post is a chance to recap the webinar by going through the slide deck & the video recording.

Slide Deck:

Here is the slide deck i used in webinar:

Video Recording:

Here is the video recording of the webinar:

Hope you found the webinar topic helpful. Do let us know your suggestion/feedback on the webinar.

Till next time – Happy Coding !