Kendo Calendar Wrapper for ASP.NET MVC


In this post we will learn about one more wrapper from Kendo UI library called Calendar. If you are starting new on Kendo UI, make sure to go through the blog post – Jump starting Development with Kendo UI for ASP.NET MVC. We will look at the usage of the Calendar widget and how to program the Calendar widget. If you are looking for the index post on this getting started series, click here.

To follow this blog post, just create a “C# Kendo UI for MVC Web Application” project type and work along.

What is Calendar Widget:

The Calendar Widget renders a graphical calendar that supports navigation and selection. It supports custom templates for its “month” view, configurable options for a minimum and maximum date, start view and the depth of the navigation.


Instantiating a Calendar:

To instantiate a Calendar widget on any page, we just make use of the Calendar builder available within the Kendo helper. Here is the code snippet to instantiate a  Calendar:

   1: @(Html.Kendo().Calendar()

   2:               .Name("kcalendar")

   3: )

Note that the “Name” is mandatory setting. This defines the ID of the control on the client side. So here is the output of the code we wrote:


That’s it – with just one line of code we have a Calendar on our page. Next lets see how we can control the Calendar View.

Calendar View Settings:

Be default if nothing is said about the view we need to see on the Calendar, it is going to use Month view i.e. the current month is shown in the calendar. The Calendar widget has the following view options to choose from:

  • Century – When selected, Calendar will show decades of the current century
  • Decade – When selected, Calendar will show years of the the current decade
  • Month – When selected, Calendar will show days of the current month
  • Year – When selected, Calendar will show months of the current year

The way we set the view is through a method called Start(). The different view settings are available as a CalendarView enum. Here is the code snippet to set the view of the calendar:

   1: @(Html.Kendo().Calendar()

   2:               .Name("kcalendarCentury")

   3:               .Start(CalendarView.Century)

   4:             )

Here is the output of the above code:


Setting Calendar Value:

So far we have been able to instantiate a calendar on the page. But if you notice clearly the current date is not highlighted by default. The current date is displayed at the footer of the calendar but the day is not highlighted. That is because, calendar has a property called Value() and to have a date highlighted this property needs to provided with a DateTime instance. It can be current day or any other day. Here is the code snippet to set the value of the calendar:

   1: @(Html.Kendo().Calendar()

   2:               .Name("kcalendarvalue")

   3:               .Value(DateTime.Today)

   4:  )

All we are doing is setting the Value of the calenda to DateTime.Today instance. Here is output of that code:

Setting Calendar Value:
Many a times when using calendar we will have scenarios where we need to restrict the dates that the user can select. For e.g. lets assume that we want to user to select the dates between 19 Nov and 23 Nov only. That means the minimum date that can be selected is 19 Nov and maximum date that can be selected is 23 Nov. Well to achieve this scenario, the calendar provides Min() and Max() property and both of this method accept either a string representing a date  or an instance of DateTime. Here is the code snippet for setting Min & Max property:
   1: @(Html.Kendo().Calendar()

   2:               .Name("kcalendarrestriction")

   3:               .Min("2012/11/19")

   4:               .Max("2012/11/23")

   5:  )

And here is the output of the changes we made:
As you can see it does not show the dates outside of the allowed Min and Max date settings.
Accessing Calendar from client side:
You may have a scenario where you want to get hold of the calendar widget from JavaScript. This can be achieved by using the method. Assume that we had named our calendar as “kcalendar”, here is the code snippet to access that from JavaScript:
   1: var calendar = $("#kcalendar").data("kendoCalendar");

As you can see, we just use jquery’s data() syntax to get the Kendo Calendar object. The Kendo controls all have very rich client side API that you can work with. For e.g. if we have to set the value of the calendar from client side you can use the value() method on the control. Here is the code snippet for the same:
   1: var calendar = $("#kcalendar").data("kendoCalendar");

   2: calendar.value(new Date(2012, 0, 1));

Configuring client side events:
Kendo Calendar exposes two client side events which can be hooked into while instantiating the control. The event exposed are:
  • Change – occurs when the value is changed
  • Navigate – occurs when any navigation is performed by the user i.e. month change, year change etc.
When we hook into the events exposed, we just configure the JavaScript function which will handle the event on the client side. Here is the code snippet to handle the value change event of the calendar:
   1: @(Html.Kendo().Calendar()

   2:               .Name("kcalendarevents")

   3:               .Events(evnt => evnt.Change("onValueChange"))

   4:  )

   5: <script>

   6:     function onValueChange(e)

   7:     {

   8:         var kcal = $("#kcalendarevents").data("kendoCalendar");

   9:         alert(kcal.value());

  10:     }

  11: </script>

Similarly you can handle the Navigate event also.
Kendo Calendar is yet another wrapper available in the Kendo UI library – which lets you create a graphical calendar on a web page. We saw how simple it is to instantiate on any page. We also saw some of the properties supported by the control. We also saw how to work with the control from client side i.e. from JavaScript. Hope this provides you with a kind of quick start to work with Kendo UI Wrappers. Stay tuned for many more of these posts on Kendo UI Wrapper usage.
Till next time – Happy coding!

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