How to share on Facebook from Cross Platform Mobile App created using Icenium

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On any kind of Apps sharing on Facebook could be a frequent task. Icenium a Cloud Based IDE allows you to create Cross Platform Apps. In this blog post we will take a look on sharing status on FaceBook from a Cross Platform App being created using Icenium.

To start with let us create view. I am putting an input text box and a button. On click of button text from input box will be shared on FB wall of user.


Very first we will create helper functions we need to post To start with let us create an identity provider. Identity Provider can be created as given in following code

var IdentityProvider = function (config) {
 var that = this;
 var ref;
 this.getAccessToken = function (callback) {

// Begin Authorization
 var authorize_url = config.endpoint
 + "?response_type=" + config.response_type
 + "&client_id=" + config.client_id
 + "&redirect_uri=" + config.redirect_uri
 + "&display=" + config.display
 + "&access_type=" + config.access_type
 + "&scope=" + config.scope

 ref =, '_blank', 'location=no');

ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function (event) {
 that.locationChanged(event.url, callback);

ref.addEventListener('loadstop', function (event) {
 that.locationChanged(event.url, callback);

this.locationChanged = function (loc, callback) {
 if (loc.indexOf("access_token=") != -1) {
 var token = getParameterByName("access_token", loc);


We are using a function to get parameter by name. Below function is doing this task.

function getParameterByName(name, url) {
 name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]");
 var regexS = name + "=([^&#]*)";

console.log("Parameter name: " + name);
 console.log("Url: " + url);

var regex = new RegExp(regexS);
 var results = regex.exec(url);

console.log("Result: " + results);

if (results == null) {
 return false;
 return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));

Once identity provider is being created, next you need to create instance of IdentityProvider. Important configuration you need to pass are as follows

  • Name of the app
  • In client id make sure to pass client if for your app. You will get client id while registering your app to Facebook.
  • In case of Cross Platform mobile App redirect Uri will be always as given in below setting
  • loginMethodName would be always loginWithFaceBook

var facebook = new IdentityProvider({
 name: "My Test App",
 loginMethodName: "loginWithFacebook",
 endpoint: "",
 response_type: "token",
 client_id: fbClientID,
 redirect_uri: "",
 access_type: "online",
 scope: "email,publish_actions",
 display: "touch"

By this step we have created all the helper functions we need to post an update on Facebook. Now on click event of the button we will

  • get Access Token from helper function
  • pass that to Graph API to post on FaceBook

Below we are reading textbox value, fetching access token and calling a function to make a FB post.

function PostOnFb(e)
 var msgToPost = $('#msgTxt').val();
 facebook.getAccessToken(function (token) {
 makefbPost(msgToPost, "", "DebugMode", token);

We are passing

  • message to post
  • URL of application
  • Title of the post and
  • FB token to post status message

Last function we need to create to make a FB post. That function is as given below.

function makefbPost(FBmessage, FBLink, FBLinkName, fbToken) {
 var postURL = "";
 var data = {};
 data.message = FBmessage; = FBLinkName; = FBLink;

data.access_token = fbToken;
 console.log("Token:" + fbToken);

$.post(postURL, data)
 .done(function (results) {
 navigator.notification.alert("Status Posted", function () { }, "DebugMode", "Done");

 .error(function (err)
 navigator.notification.alert("Error encountered. Details:" + err.message, function () { }, "Error", "Done");

In above function important points are as follows

  • We are posting data to URL We are using Facebook Graph API to post status on Facebook
  • We are setting message, link, name and access token as property of data to be posted.

This is all what you need to do to post a Facebook status message from a Cross Platform Mobile Application being created using Icenium.

How to work on Icenium using Facebook account

In this post we will take a look on working on Icenium Graphite using Facebook account. We will start from downloading then installation. After successful installation we will create a Hybrid Application project using Facebook credentials.

Follow the steps given below,

Step 1

To start installing first navigate to and click on Try now Free until May!


Step 2

You will be provided with three options. Go ahead and select ICENIUM Graphite. Check on Term and Condition and click on Launch App. You will find set would have been started downloading.


Step 3

Navigate to folder in which setup got downloaded. Click on Icenium Graphite setup to start installation.


On installation you will find Graphite is being downloaded.


Step 4

After successful installation of Icenium Graphite you will get dashboard. You can login to Icenium with any of the options provide. Let us login with Facebook credential.


After successful login on dashboard you will find different options to create New Cross-Platform Device Application.


In this way you can download, install Icenium Graphite and start creating Hybrid Applications using your Facebook credentials. I hope you find this post useful. Thanks for reading.