Resources for webinar “Connecting your In-Premise Database to Mobile Apps”

On Sep 4 2014 we conducted a webinar titled “Connecting your In-Premise Database to Mobile Apps”. This was part of regular webinars we conduct almost every Thursday of every month for India time zone. This post is a recap of the webinar.

One of the pressing issues enterprises often face when it comes to mobility is how to connect to an in-premise database from a mobile application. Scenario is that the enterprise does not want to move the data outside of the organization i.e. move to a cloud infrastructure. Rather they want to keep the data inside the organization but still be able to access it from a mobile application. In this webinar we look at 2 solutions/techniques to solve this problem. They are:

  1. Use ASP.NET WebAPI to create a service and host it inside the organization, expose it as a public IP behind fire wall and consume from a mobile app
  2. Use Telerik BackEnd and in particular DataLink & DataConnector to expose data as a RESTful service without writing any code

Below you will find the slide deck used for the webinar, video recording of the webinar, Q&A and T-Shirt winners.

Slide Deck:


Video Recording:


Q & A:

Q: HOw Does webAPI serve when more request  (traffic)?
A: The web server can be used to manage the web traffic. You can also create web farms if you expect more traffic.

Q: How rLinq is different from edmx?
A: It is almost the same. EF (edmx) can be used here as well. rlinq also has L2 caching support that helps speed up the application.

Q: What is the benefit of JustCode
A: More details here:

Q: What is POSTMAN?
A: Chrome extension to work with RESTful URIs. An alternative is Fiddler. More details here:

Q: How to secure Web API?
A: Options include OAuth, Cookie based Authentication, ADFS and a few more

Q: can you provide me the name of cross platform development tools..?
A: Lovingly called AppBuilder (a part of Telerik Mobile Platform). More details:

Q: Can we use this telerik platform service with our existing telerik id?
A: Yes. you can get started for free with Telerik Platform.

Q: How to do top ten records?
A: Kendo DataSource has support for querying as well. More details here:

Q: Which one is faster, techinque1 or technique2?
A: You have more control in Technique 1 but deploy bug free system faster with Technique 2

Q: Does the data gets cached anywhere or it hits the on-premise database everytime?
A: Data Link capability is a pass through service. So, we don’t cache any data. It hits the DB each time.


T-Shirt Giveaway:

As usual with any of our webinars, this time too we select 2 random attendees from the attendee list and they will receive our .NET Ninja T-shirt. So the winners for this webinar are:

  1. Pooja Cheema
  2. Gopesh Sharma

Congratulations to the winners. We will contact you over your registered email and will ship the t-shirts. Others dont worry – there are many more webinars to come. So try your luck next time.

Till next time – Happy Coding.

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